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Generosity and Giving is ...

  • Joyful – Giving is a matter of the heart. God cares ultimately about our hearts, for He has an infinite amount of resources at His disposal. When we give, we do so in response to what God has done—and with excitement—getting to play a role in God’s Word and love, reaching Westfield and the world around us.
  • Sacrificial – Can you point to something tangible in your life that you don’t have/use/do because you’ve made a conscious decision to give to the church? Everything from the homes and cars we buy to the vacations we take ... these are all opportunities for us to live differently in light of our commitment to God’s kingdom and to identify as God’s children.
  • Consistent – We ask our church family to give regularly. This can be weekly, biweekly, or even monthly. This is both for the sake of your own discipleship and gospel rhythms, and for the sake of the church’s ability to plan and allocate resources with wisdom and discernment. 

When I give at Redeemer, where does the money go?

Great question! Simply put, your giving makes mission and discipleship happen. Every dollar given fuels the training of believers, preaching of the Word, and resourcing of gospel-centered ministries here in Westfield and beyond. Specifically, they are used to support missions, church ministries, as well as provide for our church leaders, and staff.

What does the Bible say about giving?

The Bible has a lot to say about our heart for giving, but the truth is that it doesn’t give any direction on the means for how to give. Throughout time and throughout different cultures the Bible shares a variety of different methods and means for how people would bring their tithes and offerings. Yet, God is no more impressed with the currency that we give than the amount we give. Instead, he is concerned with our heart for giving.

With that being said, Redeemer encourages sound tithing principals and biblical stewardship for managing our money. 
